Friday, July 24, 2015

Okay, just one more posting for this Pioneer day, with a show and tell of what it was like in 1847 via a drawing and article from the Salt Lake Tribune of 1934

In a few moments I will say good night to this year's Pioneer Day celebrations. I will eat the rest of that large pot pie I partly ate earlier, then a dap of cheesecake from the fridge. It takes about three minutes in the micro-wave. I will then shut off the TV; turn the A/C a little cooler, turn the soft music on with my remote control and drift off in slumber on that perfect cozy bed. As I do that, I will gaze once more at the copy of the drawing that was done for the Salt Lake Tribune in 1934, which depicts what it was like for the Mormon Pioneers coming to Utah. I pay tribute to those forefathers who came before us to help settle the lands. I didn't mind sleeping outside as a kid, but not sure I would be up for the task our pioneers went through. As a good night, I pay them respect.

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