Wednesday, July 1, 2015

In reading of the passing of Carolyn Ockey, I couldn't help put remember her as a class lady.

As a kid, I recall my father talking of a particularly good person, and explained it by saying they often excelled as "they came from good stock". When I helped my father stucco the home of Carolyn's parents, I came to know and appreciate the "good stock" from which Carolyn was raised. She was not only one of the most beautiful gals around, but a friendly personality to match. Her father was the pictured Farrell Carter, who was liked and respected by all, much like Carolyn's mother-Yvonne. You can't do much better, than being born in Nephi as a Carter, and your mother being a Broadbent. Then to top it off, you marry in another great and well respected family-an Ockey. Carolyn's mother in-law was Viola Ockey, who started out as a Worthington. During the early 1960's, Carolyn and her husband was living across the street from Nephi Floral, and I recall my father and I visiting them as Ward Teachers when they had small children. Those kids seemed to have the same high class as their heritage, so with the passing of Carolyn, all can raise their heads high, for having the perfect blend of a parent. and should cherish the time we had to know her.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for such a beautiful tribute to our sweet mother. It has helped to heal our broken hearts as we read the comments of love and respect that so many felt towards her. What a privilege to "come from this good stock"!
