Sunday, February 27, 2022

It is hard to believe, but for the first time in decades, I attended church!

The rumor is true. I attended an LDS Church Sacrament meeting today. I was invited to go by a great man and his wife. I had served on the Nephi City Council with Nate Memmott and knew he had been an LDS Bishop in the past, and was one of those guys you could always trust, even as a politician!. So I put my soul in his hands. I was hoping he was going to publicly call me to repentance, but he gave a good talk anyway. He first wanted to pay respect for his wife-Steph, who I sat by. Both are that rare breed of great people on earth. I was born and raised as a Mormon, but hadn't been for so long I thought 9 in the morning was a bit early. I joked with them that the last call at the Nebo Club was 2 AM, so not sure if my horse would still get me home in time for church. Nathan spoke of the importance of faith and prayer and hoped that us pupils would take heed to the spirit in which he spoke, rather than the words That hit home to me, as I have always been a firm believer in all, and body language speaks louder than words anyway. And I don't like to give prayers in government settings, as it didn't feel right inside my heart. However, I used prayer each night, as my career was working with some of the most dangerous people of the world. That struck me in awe as Nathan continued. Then something else hit me as he reported he had also spoke in a Mona ward sometime ago. That is when my old teachings hit home. He had to be a member of the High Council of his Stake. Gee whiz, he should have called me to repentance after all of the one on one cussing and moaning I did over political situations and politicians who "spoke with forked tongue". Another thing that threw me back, was I recall attending a funeral of a friends mother. I liked that as you could go up to the front and have the Catholic Priest give you a sip of wine. So it threw me off a little when young men in their white shirts were passing out Sacrament trays. Gosh dang it, it was water and not the wine I thought it may be. After all, at one time I was a wine Connoisseur and made by own wine plucking the grapes from the vines I brought from France. And yes that is legal in Utah, as long as you don't sell it and keep it to a small amount, All in all, it was a good to go to church. I got my future all planned out. I will soon be going to a nursing home, then when dead, they can put in a wheelbarrow and haul me across the street for a funeral at the church, then put me back in the wheelbarrow and haul me back across the street to my burial plot. Oh Lordy Lordly. One photo is of 3rd Ward Church I went to today. The other one is when I was a part time Connoisseur.


We thought we were through with some of these quotes that don't make no cents, but we found some more, so hold on to your hat, and laugh or smile at will.

65. If you lend someone $20 bucks and didn't like them and never see them again. It was perfectly                good.     

66. If you tell the truth, you never have to worry about remembering anything.

67. If you drink, don't park; car accidents cause people.

68. Good judgement comes from bad experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgement.

69. Some days you are the bug, and some days you are the windshield.

70. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put in back in your pocket.

71, Timing has an awful lot to do with the out come of a rain dance.

72. A closed mouth gathers no foot.

73.There are two theories to arguing with a woman. Neither one works.

74. Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side and a dark side, and holds the universe together..

75. Generally speaking, you aren't learning much when your mouth is moving.

76. Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

77. Never miss a good chance to shut up.

78. We are born naked, wet and hungry. Then things get worse in life.

79.  The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan and a leaky tire.

80.  It's always the darkest just before dawn, so if you are going to steal your neighbors paper, do it                just before dawn.

81. This one is to remain blank until you fill it in.

82. Nobody is listening until you make a mistake.

83. Never test the dept of the water with both feet at the same time.

84. It may be that your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning for others.

85. If you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them,        you are a mile away and you have their shoes.   

86. If at first you don't succeed, skydiving isn't for you.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

One great man plus a second one should add up to two, or maybe even three!

I wasn't exactly sure why our family kept this one page from the Daily Herald newspaper from 1984. After giving it a once over, that is when I knew. At first glance, I see a photo of of a personal friend- Paul H. Dunn, a General Authority of the LDS Church. Years ago, he was one of the most prolific and uplifting speakers in the Church, some times at General Conference; BYU Campus; Mission President, or whatever he was doing  in  the 20 plus years in his position of the First Council of the Seventy. When he was speaking, thousands upon thousands would listen and take heed to his advice and counsel. One of those was me, but not until the bigger wigs of the LDS church gave him some kind of a kick out notice. Although he had fudged somewhat in telling some of this stories, to me he was no different that what my "Uncle Hy" Tolley did a hundred years ago and what I do sometimes. Although he played professional baseball, it was not in the Big Leagues for the St  Louis Cardinals, but for a minor league. Today, we still see many players that are ready to be called up, but play for a minor league as Paul did. There were some other situations where he invested his private money in what many thought were scheme type adventures. In those days, little do most people know that many of the General Authorities were being paid to be on the Board of Directors for places like ZCMI and that was one of the reasons that the business is no longer as such. I got acquainted with Paul in 1969, and took advantage of him, and perhaps he me. He needed a shoulder to cry on, and I took him to a variety of prison's and places of incarceration where even as an older man, he was a motivating speaker. He wasn't kicked out of the church, but told not to do any church business and the worst he felt was not being able to join other family members in putting his hands under a baby when it was blessed. I was very familiar with the Bishop that thought it was improper to do that, and so did Paul. He died at 74, and like Jesus, it was because of broken heart. He is still a hero to me, as were the other two men listed on the same page. One was my father-Alma Jones and the other is Andy Anderson, another Nephite and their funeral viewings were on the same night. They are all heroes to me

Friday, February 25, 2022


This chapter doesn't make a lot of sense! In going through another box of records of various sorts, I found some of the joke type things mixed in with church TALKS, so don't get too offended if you read a hell or dam. It surely wasn't me who would have said such thing, so I must have collected them and typed them all together. Brace yourself. Good Luck on trying to piece them  together and maybe it will give you a laugh or two. We can never go without a little humor you know.

48. God must have a sense of humor. Just look at me and Uncle Hy Tolley.  Kent Jones

49. If you are too open minded, your mind may fall out.

50.  Age is a very high price to pay for maturity.

51.  Going to church doesn't make you more of a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you         a  mechanic.    

52.  Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

53.  If you must pick one of two evils, choose they one you have never tried before.

54.  Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious.

55.  It is easier to get forgiveness than permission. Its worked in every case with me.

56.  For every action, there is an equal and opposite government program. I found that in 42 years of              government work..   

57.  If you look like your passport photo, you probably need the trip.

58.   Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of checks.

59.  A conscience is what hurts when all your body parts feel so good.

60.  Eat well, stay fit, die anyway.

61. Men are from Mars, Women are from earth. Deal with it.

62.  No husband has ever been shot while doing the dishes.

63. A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.

64.  Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk a head of me for I may not follow. Do not         walk beside me, either. Just leave me the hell alone.    

Stay tuned to this stupid Nusense.....we have more at a more appropriate time....when I get dressed.


First of all, we need to do a little explaining on who is who and hopefully we can do a shorten brief on it rather than go back to the 1600's and explain everything. In short, two Nortonville Tolley sisters married to Nortonville Jones brothers. All in all the folks in Nortonville all worked together to build a school/church and sorry to say most of the homes are gone and I noticed one log cabin is built where my grandfather worked hard to build two dams coming out of Birch springs. Anyway, Nephew Edward Gleason sent a Happy New Year Card to his Aunt, which would be Jane Tolley Jones. She passed away at the  home I grew up in and it still stands. Anytime that somebody lived there, then passed I asked my mother and Dad if I could recover and protect all of the old artifacts. They said yes, so after a half century, I uncovered them and gave a lot of the documents to the LDS church, as it was journals that belonged to Brigham when he stopped there. My guess, they will keep most of them locked away in Granite until such time they need them. This is the first time I have seen this card and think it was beautifully made. I also put the funeral announcement on here that was given to us by our neighbor and former teacher-Mabel Sperry. So there you have it.

Happy Heavenly Birthday Judy Garrett Higginson

I am a few days late Judy, but in passing your monument earlier today, I thought I better get moving. As a kid, it seemed like I spent a lot of time up at your place and Joe's. We pretended that we were working, but farm work was kind of fun. Even Blake got in to riding the calves and we thought we were at the Ute Stampede. I thought I would take a minute to say thanks for all that you were during your short time on earth. In earth time, you were like your mother and passed through the veil as a young woman. My hat goes off to you and the whole Ross Garrett crew. Funerals are not supposed to be fun, but had a blast talking to your sisters and Blake. Seems like yesterday when we were all milking cows at Spin Macs place. And your eyes are now better than mine, but tell Jim you both taught Mike good on being a garden farmer. He is biting at the bit to get the garden in. Your family has been of great service to both family and friends and I am sure God is keeping you hoping up there. Anyway, Happy Earth Birthday, from one of the Jones boys, which of course includes Jaynette. She and Tara can ride a horse better than the boys. Just before your father passed I was over feeding horses, and I swear I could see Aleen behind the kitchen window, so had no alternative other than go in and talk with Ross and told him he is not the boss anymore, but knew his time on earth was short and told him. What a great family you will always have.....forever.

Thursday, February 24, 2022


Well, I hope you are all making no sense of this as I ain't either but it is making me smile. Over the years, I have kept stuffing these sort of funnies in. They are some of my own brain or no brain workings or just what I heard or read somewhere, so anybody can take the credit unless I know who done did wrote them. I try to burn them in my fireplace so I don't repeat them. Today I will wander a little and call them "Ponderings", but hope it doesn't keep you up at night.

36. Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.

37. Life is sexually transmitted.

38. Health is merely the slowest rate at which one can die.

39. Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see him without an arousal, make him a                    sandwich.       

40. Give a person a fish and you feed em for a day; teach a person to use the internet and they wont              bother you for two weeks. 

41.Some people are like Slinkees....not really good for anything, but you still smile when you see one          tumble down the stairs.            

42. Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in the hospital dying of nothing.

43. Whenever I started feeling blue, I then start breathing again, as you should. Feeling blue is normal.

44. All of us could pay attention to the weather forecast, but why should we, it pays no attention to us.

45. Why does a slight tax increase in property tax cost you $200 and a substantial tax cut saves you 20         cents?     

46,  In the 1960's, people took acid to make the world look weird. Now the world looks weird and                 people take Prozac to make it normal.

47.  Politics is supposed to be the worlds second oldest profession. After being in politics, I find it                  interesting that it has a spelling close to the oldest profession and it that one pays dividend's until            you die, but on the other hand I guess he second one can kill you too....with a pan after you tell              your wife.     

Okay, my fire is dying so I will throw this paper away so I don't repeat in future "Ponderings" and in fact some of you parents may do that now, before the youngins starting asking questions.       


Sunday, February 20, 2022


As has been previously noted, the Nusense chapters are meant for entertainment purposes only. This afternoon, we are taking a little detour, but will still call it "Nusense" and Chapter 4. Have any of you worked for a government or company or been the Supervisor over somebody? In many cases, the Supervisor has to give fair notice to the employee if they are doing something wrong. A good Supervisor should be giving helpful hints to get the best of somebody instead of resorting to a Termination. There should always be gradual disciplinary actions. If you are the employee, make sure your Supervisor has given you appropriate corrective action before you get your notice or you just may sue and collect a truck load of money. The employee evaluations should NOT contain some of the following;

24. "Since my last report, this employee has reached rock bottom and has started to dig."

25. "I would not allow this employee to breed".

26. "This employee is not so much of a has-been, but more of definite won't-be".

27. "When she opens her mouth, it is only to change feet."

28. "He works well when under constant supervision and cornered in a corner like a rat in a trap."

29. "He would be out of his depth in a parking lot puddle",

30. "This young lady has delusions of inadequacy".

31. "He consistency sets low standards and then routinely fails to achieve them."

32. "This employee is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot."

33. "This employee should go far, and the sooner he starts, the better".

34.  "He has got a full 6-pack,  but lacks the plastic thing that holds it all together."

35.   "Good luck at your next employment".


As noted in previous chapters, I am going through a variety of boxes which contain writings; journals and such that me and my family have kept since the Jones family first arrived in Nephi, Utah during 1852. The notes I have written in this Chapter and other ones referred to is "Nusense", as they contain various notes I have written down from other notes I have retained or kept in mind. Some may be accurate and some may be just what Uncle Hy Tolley was rumored to have said or did.

21. Park Day. When visiting a state or National Park, the visitors Center usually has a log so you can inform the world where you hail from. You can also make comments, both good or bad. I spent more than ten years doing volunteer duty every weekend for about ten years at a Utah State Park, and during slow times, I would log in how many visitors that came through, and giggle at some of the things they would write, and of course couldn't re-write them all, but did the best I could. Of the comments for improvement, I took them serious, and attempted to let the State Park Chief know what they were and what could be done about it. Utah parks are maintained, partially, by entry fees and by Utah taxpayers, as visitors often stop for food or gas prior to arrival at the park. Often times however, Park Rangers don't take the comments overly seriously, as they merely want the number of visitors recorded for selfish type purposes. They use those numbers to go to the State Legislature to extract more monies for their existence. Like all things said or done, one has to examine all information before a decision is made and know their motive. "Dick Loves Sally" were show to be from Shitwhitz Reservation may not have been accurate, although their is a reservation by that name, but they didn't spell it correctly and the names were modified inappropriately..

22. Belle Starr-My Kind Of Woman. Years ago while working as a policer officer during the 2002 Salt Lake Olympics, I was moving a concrete barrier, and suffered a herniated disc and broke a piece of my hip bone off. Although I finished my duties, I went to a Salt Lake Hospital and had surgery which forced me to remain prone for some time. There were those first few days that were full of pain, but thank God their were Doctors that gave me pain pills to ease the pain. Once again, it was not elected people that are the physicians. Healing began, and the pain medications were eased off. Bodrum then set it, and I knew I had to be careful not to force it, so I turned to reading books that my brother and sister brought me. Breaks would be watching the particles of dust that the afternoon sun would come through the window and show their presence. Counting them was relaxing and helped healed the body and the brain. One of the books I read was on the life and times of Jesse James and his band of outlaws. It was one that was backed up with as much facts as possible and I enjoyed it. One of his female outlaw friends was Belle Starr and my thoughts and fantasy turned to her life and tried to find as much as I could. I was single at the time, so I let the dreams come forth. I soon heard enough to make my  journey. Montana called me and when I was well enough to sit for awhile, I took my weeks journey to Montana and Canada in search for my own Belle Starr. I didn't find her, but close enough. I took a freeway off and stopped in a small store and talked to the old man that was attending the store. He didn't show me Belle, but told me of a local author that wrote a book on her, so I traveled to that authors home and found the research on Belle Starr. She was my kind of woman, but I was a little late to find my Belle and I returned to Utah with all of the books written by my new friend and author-Anne Seagraves and she autographed each one including "Soiled Doves" I soon healed and went back to work and still think of Belle Starr, one of my loves of life.

23. Love At First Sight. Justin and Miranda were in love. It appeared they were from the first. After their marriage, their love seemed to increase, and that is when they decided to include a third ingredient in their family. The small St. Bernard puppy reminded me of the one we got both my boys when they were youngsters and it was their best friend. Although massive in size, they are gentle. Perhaps that is what some people are like. They don't have to be strong, but show their potential and most other dogs and people cow down to them. This puppy was built like a tank, and so they named it Tank. Although I am not necessarily a dog lover(because of their owners), me and Tank hit it off and I would often go play with it. He was a gentle giant and they kept a perfectly clean house and backyard where Tank roamed. I soon  realized that regardless of our problems of life, an animal may provide the love that all of us needs-the same sort of unconditional love to give and receive, just like Tank. And if you don't fall in love at first sight, there is nothing wrong with giving it time, and then gaze for a second glance. Nothing lasts forever, except forever and the love between each other.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Nusense-Chapter 2 of 50 years of writings and sayings; scripting of Kent Jones

Here it goes again. This is actually Number 700 of the History Blogs I have been writing those since going through all old papers collected by me and my family since 1852. Now I thought I should throw in some different kinds of my scripting's before I go 10-42. I will call this one "Nusense Chapter Two".

16. Oliver Wendall Holmes said "The best book is not the thought it contains, but the thought which it suggests; just as the charm of music dwells not in the tones but in the echo's of our hearts". The writings in this Nusense writing was completed by myself in 21 days, following right shoulder surgery, the first of three. The original was typed with one finger of my non-writing left hand. After the initial two weeks of pain and medication, there was the down time needed for rest and recovery. I lived alone and learned to survive on Spam. I could have watched TV, but found that useless and obnoxious. I could have read books, but I normally spend a lot of time reading history books anyway. I therefore, decided to let my thoughts and finger do the talking. I hope that these words and those of others collected here may incite and excite others to whatever your recovery is deemed necessary. All of us, regardless of mental, physical or otherwise will eventually need it.

17. Take Your Medication. Following a physical surgery, a surgeon will often prescribe a pain medication to assist in your recovery. It is proper to do so, and not to following the stupid advice of Legislatures and Congressman who think they know better. Many suffering people wait until the pain is unbearable, then take it. And then we have to take large amounts of the pain medication to catch up on the pain level. It just doesn't work that way and it means we have listened to the wrong advice from those so called do-gooders who think you are going to get hooked. To keep on top of the pain, we should take it in front of the pain or its first indication. Don't be stupid. Physicians are trained to do that. Politicians are trained on how to sell you baloney as many of these are connected to drug counselling centers or the love of more money. Additionally, there are other times we get caught up in situational depression, anxiety and consider to end the torment we are going though. Don't spend your parents life savings on those so called drug centers. Talk to a Doctor and get the truth. There is hope with the proper medication, then get to work on walking, exercise; good foods. Get away to nature and enjoy the wonders of the world. I took one drug addict fishing. He stood on a rock and caught a fish. That changed him forever. Take a kid for a horseback ride or hauling hay. It is good medicine.

18.  Recovery. All recoveries are different with different people and yet each person may find individual resolutions with each battle. All recoveries want to curb the pain, and all are personal and treated different. Don't ever try to fight the battle alone. It often requires a higher power through prayer, even if you are a sinner, as I am. God will listen and make haste, if that is the proper way. Regardless of who you are or what you may think you are, a higher power is always available to the seeker.

19. What a headache! For many, the simple headache is cured with two aspirins and a coke, or at least that was my medical compound as a kid. For others, it is a prolonged event, invoking the help of many. Such was the case of a nephew-Bobby Joe. As a kid, he was riding his bike up and down hills where they were building new homes by the rural invaders. He was ten and went down hard on his head. He was taken by Life Flight and had to have his skull removed with blood on the brain or what we call a serious Subdural Hematoma. It was a long fight for him; Guardian Angels and his family, but he made it and is living a happy life with wife and kids. Residual effects are his loss of hearing in one ear, but in good shape. He had to endure the mean kids that made fun of his helmet, but morally strong and showed them he was tougher then those bottom of the barrel kids.

20. Don't Squat With Your Spurs On. In the old west and part of the new west, wranglers are different than city slickers. When mother nature calls, a guy can take care of some business standing behind a cactus, but cowgirls have to find another way. If you are in a bad way, one needs to respect privacy. It is not just enough to pull your drawers down and do your business. One has to remove the Garcia spurs first and foremost. If you are shopping with a sling on your shoulder or bandage on your leg, let somebody else do the shopping. People in a grocery store or in a mall think that bag of candy is the last food on earth, and care little of your hurt body, but pretend to care when they leave the door open for you and they have parked in the handicap parking. If you are walking with a big brace, stay away from the buffet line. The overweight guy wants to push you to the ground to get their last potato and gravy. It ain't worth it. And never ever try to travel on Utah's 1-15. When we get on it, we too think stupid and pretend we are A.J. Foyt in the Indy 500 and don't care about you.


Over my years, especially during boring meetings that take up valuable time to determine the next time we meet, I would write down sayings I heard as a kid. Since most of those boring meetings were paid for by the taxpayer, I thought I would do some free paybacks. If you are a policitcan, one would call them free "Grants" so in a way you all paid me for writing these down instead of wasting time on doing nothing. Smile if you get them or smile if you don't. I used to smile when I heard my mother swear. Well, she didn't really swear, she just spelled HELL out, or DAM but we knew she meant business. We will call this Chapter One then add other chapters from time to time. Most of them were written during boring meetings or with a broken up body and told to sit and do nothing and let it heal or I wrote it down when somebody else wrote them but used them. Some may find the words helpful in recovery and  some may find them neither humorous nor appropriate; kind of like gambling. Throw your dice.

1. Watch your P's and Q's actually came across the plains with Mormons who are against drinking               alcohol, but the P's and Q's stood for Pints and Quarts of beer in the British Isles and in Germany..

2. Where in the H E double toothpicks have you been?

3. There are three rules for Success. The first is to Go On. The second is to Go On and the third is Go        On. 

4. The greatest friends I have in the world. live right in my own house.  Kent Jones

5.  "All things are possible to he who believes. They are less difficult to he who hopes; they are easy to        he who loves, and they are simple to any who do all three."  Sunshine Magazine 

6.  A true friend is someone who thinks you are a good egg, even though they know you are slightly             cracked,

7. "Anything below 1st placed is last place."      Kent Jones

8.  "The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight; but they while,                their companions slept, were toiling upwards in the night."     Longfellow

9.  No life is perfect that has not lived; youth in feeling; manhood in battle; old age in meditation".

10."The man who has not anything to boast of but his illustrious ancestry, is like a potato-the only               good belonging to him is underground."    

11. Big Men become is by doing what they didn't want to do when they didn't want to do it, so they              become bad parents by having their kids play the sports game for them.    

12. "Those who don't know, talk; those who know, listen"

13.  You Are Nobody. Nobody is perfect, therefore you are perfect. God didn't make any errors when             each of us were created. All people are individuals, yet each of us are blessed with a particular                 skill or ability. We may spend a lifetime searching for what that is ,but it is there. It may take                   other  people to help bring it out or events where a heart is broken; a life is lost or life altering                 injury. Keep searching for that which you are placed on earth for.       

14. Girls in Dresses. Perhaps it is just my generation, but I still am in awe of the striking femininely              beauty of a woman in a dress. A dress is the similarity of a barbed were fence. They both provide            protection without observing the view.

15. Pure Love is Never Wasted. While driving across Texas, I started to formulate the words for the son        titled "Nothing is Forever, Except Forever, and the my love for you". When we fall in love, and we        will at one time or another, we often experience differ moods or levels of feeling. If you are in a              state of recovery, seek those that truly love you to assist you. In one case with me, I only received          help from those who truly loved me. I knee it was a battle for my life as I was hit with MERCA at a        Salt Lake area hospital. Death was knocking on my door once again. I found the greatest friends I          have in the world are those that live right in my home or near me. When we are in love, that love is        forever and no earthly power can separate it. During this time of recovery, giving and able to                 receive love is a critical factor and sometimes it takes personal courage to receive it. It is not always       done by itself.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022


I ran across this 42 year old copy of the local newspaper in Nephi, and if you didn't know the year or the people in it, one could make all kinds of thoughts about the who and the wherefores of what took place. We could distort the information on either page and declare that "Russ is on a Bender" when we didn't explain that Russ Bender is a real person. Or how about the three then young girls selling on the streets, or how about a young Army Vet can only be a Legal Medic if he gets a paper to say he was trained by the best in the world-the United States Army in various medical schools, but nothing like being on the front lines with the 9th Infantry in Viet Nam. And still when he is in his mid 70's he is still a Medic. We saw a heavy set lady go down outside a diner. While customers "gawked", Hal was outside to assist. Then with the speedway up American Fork Canyon two weeks ago, he noticed a woman was down on the rocks below the road. Hal jumped from the vehicle and was down to assist her and determined it was a sprained ankle and to keep the shoe on. I directed the vehicle to control traffic and the "Utah Gawkers" that sped by. Read the paper and find what you wish from a time when news in Nephi was good news and truthful. Rather than watch the fire burn the house down, many of us locals are going in to pull the people out to safety. Are you a Gawker or a Doer?

Sunday, February 13, 2022


In Nortonville, it is Troy Boy's day today. Doesn't seem possible, but it is, and we have the cigar to prove it. In the old days that is all we needed to show you was done did born, and back then your name was King Edward. Now if they would just pay back your royalties. Anyway, I wanted to shout Yippy Ty Yeah to you cowboy, and yes, I still have your cowboy hats and your six shooters with the real caps in them. I forgot what the photo of the bare arms were, but I think it was when you got your cast off from the one arm. Like your old man, you have lived a lot of life's, and that is good. I forgot my Corvette was the same color as your truck and we both had brain injuries', but I am the only one that can still use that as an excuse. I love you kid, and hope you know that our life's on earth or just a test for the real world when we get back home. Keep hanging on to your true grit and determination. You are stronger that you think. Remember when you were playing with your cousins in Mona and had your thumb cut off playing in the barn. We held it together while we raced to a hospital in Salt Lake to get it reattached. I still don't like the Highway Patrol Trooper pulling us over for speeding and instead of giving an escort he didn't care about the thumb, 'you can't speed'. Then the time I got a brain concussion while sledding. At age 11, you drove me to the Nephi Hospital and your 12 year old brother was the Navigator. I don't know who taught you to drive that standard truck, but glad we were in our home town to find the hospital. And  they called my sister and didn't know who she was and I wasn't even kidding that time. Thanks for saving my life kiddo. You did a year in the Air Force, but that was a year longer than your old man did. Remember always, we have your brother to help us through this life which is often dismal. He is our assigned guardian angel, and you, like Justin; me, my father and his father may die penniless, but have great earth memories, which God is proud of. Never Ever Give Up!


Sunday, February 6, 2022


 On April 6, 1917, the United States declared war against imperial Germany and entered the 'War to End All Wars" that had been raving Europe  most of three long years. We did hold off going into it, but had been shipping food and supplies to assist England and France.Young men from all over joined and Juab County was no exception.They held a mass party and send off by way of train with most of the local boys serving with the 145th Field Artillery Battalion and saw oversee battles. The Ladies Dellu Band joined in the send off. Patriotism during the war reached such a peak that on July 14, 1918. the French National Holiday was celebrated in Nephi. A large crowd was assembled in the Tabernacle listening to speeches of the French Revolution and Americans debt to France during the Revolution,  along with several people from nearby towns signing a revolution to support France to the end and mailed it to the French government. The war was soon over and in 1925, a fitting tribute and to shown appreciation a service star was placed in the middle of Main Street where it connects with Center Street. Years later because of increased traffic flow, it was removed but placed inside of the DUP Museum, and we would like to restore it and again place it somewhere where we can give credit to all service people who will be called on to defend our country in future battles that will sure to come. Perhaps

in front of the old CourtHouse by the flag, or wherever it is deemed appropriate. Please contact your County Commissioner and DUP officials of your willingness to collect funds or help for such dedication to our Veterans.


 We hope we have all of these programs in the right order, but if we don't, you can blame this writer who wrote most of it at a golden age, with no ligth except that from the fireplaced. So here goes.  We think this may be be from 1984, butt who knows.


The following Founders Day Program just may have your name in it if you are from these parts, or your family names. If you just arrived, get familiar with the folks that settled this place, then you can more quickly become a local. 


When somebody arrives in Nephi, Utah, they often find that it was inhabited for centuries before by the Ancient Ones, but often call our Founders Day Year as being 1851, although the Mormon Pioneers actually arrived in 1847, lead by Brigham Young.Although many of us that arrived here in Pioneer days ares still here on earth, we still have a program and read and hear what it was like way back then. Many of you will recognize some of the names that contributed to this birthday of the founding of Salt Creek, which was later named Nephi, in accordance with names from the Book of Mormon, one of the Scriptures the Mormons set their belief on.The one name I recognize is William Bryan, who was in Nephi from the get go and was at this reunion.


Friday, February 4, 2022


Anytime that we lose somebody that is close to us, we each die a little bit inside. It happens with family, friends or furry animals. The first time it happens we ask the question WHY him? He was such a good guy. After all these years I can still feel the heart ache and we often deal with it, but never get over it. Such is life. At the time of the incident, various agencies worked together to find the hoodlum we were looking for and since I knew the very area where he was killed I was involved. Ron was one of the first to try out one of the new bullet proof vests that the police were using. They were not comfortable and didn't fit the body as well as the ones they have now. My office was 7 blocks away from where Officer Heaps was killed and since we knew each other, but didn't work for the same agency, we often assisted each other in law enforcement. My personal breakdown didn't occur til a long stream of police cars followed his slain body to Alpine, which at the time, was a hidden small rural town near American Fork Canyon. I shed tears not for Ron but his widow and his small children without out their father. Sometimes life doesn't seem fair, but then I came to know that sometimes their is a reason behind all things that we are not aware of. Ron Heaps was a good cop. Funny, Friendly, and one who cared for all,. I still stand fast for all cops who stand up for all, as Ron did.

Thursday, February 3, 2022


They told me in AA that the best way to get over an addiction is to first admit you have a problem, then the rest is easy. So here goes. As a teenage, I visited the football stadium of Kansas City and got hooked. Then, there was Dodger Stadium, Yankee Stadium, and I got hooked like a carp in a net. Even on a college level, I couldn't put it down and out of sight. Before remotes, I would get two TVs and a radio to listen to them all. But the obnoxious behavior of one Monday Night Football guy got to me, and helped teach me a lesson. Then came a couple years ago, when professional sports became what many called anti-American. I finally saw it for myself, even the star quarterback I had met and idolized. When he bent down on one knee, I knew his predicament. He felt obligated to join them, as the lineman often do to make the quarterback the real start. But I figured he couldn't take the guilt of doing the putting down of America  and recently "retired". He was too good of an American to do what he knew was wrong. I have therefore refused to go to another professional basketball or football game or watch them on TV. It is refreshing. In going through my boxes of papers I could feel the urge to throw even the 1935 Rose Bowl parade float postcard in the fire, but for those that haven't yet realized their own addiction, I will givit to whoever wants it. We will try to show all the photos.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022


Yup, there are times we just can't help ourselves. I haven't watched a TV news program for almost a half century, as a lot of it is twisted truth. Same with major media papers, so I rely on GRIT, Readers Digest, and re-reading The Times News. In this edition, their are some updates you should be aware of. P.L. Benton can no longer be contacted at the Forrest Hotel, mainly because they tore that down years ago as it was blighted. It was on the southwest corner of Track and Main. You can no longer contact Ross Garrett at the Utah Poultry as that is gone too, and it is doubtful that any railroad bums are bathing in Salt Creek nearby like they used to do. The IGA building is still in place, but Chris Memmott doesn't have any groceries there. Both Bub Hepler at the UTOCO is gone, as it was on the southeast corner of Main and Track. Steve Greenwood's place of business is still there, but no new Chey's are there, but you can get a good deal of a Trailer from the White Boys. And yes, The Times News is still printing all the local news and does a heck of a good job. You can find the Maurice Chapman furniture store, but they sell used things there. The upstairs is where the secret stuff that went on in Nephi is stored from years ago, but we better not tell any of the Savings Bonds people that. Get on the good news that will last you a life time, and see how many you recognize and have fun doing it.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022


Well, that is what was reported in the local paper anyway. Clint Heyborne and Cody Howarth were among the winning students from Juab School District at the regional history fair, even though that was back in 1989. Not just a congratulations to them, but to teacher Sharon Kay Butterfield. And my history hat goes off to the many other students and teachers that kept history alive, and I suppose that is one of the reasons that nephew Clint Heyborne still loves all things historical today. And just yesterday, I visited with teachers Chad and Vernice Winn at the DUP Museum. They may be older than they were way back when, but they both got a knack for history and teachers are the second best thing to parents. And after looking at the ads, I am now itching to walk down the street to Vard's and get me a roast beef sandwich for10 bits. What a deal.