Saturday, February 19, 2022

Nusense-Chapter 2 of 50 years of writings and sayings; scripting of Kent Jones

Here it goes again. This is actually Number 700 of the History Blogs I have been writing those since going through all old papers collected by me and my family since 1852. Now I thought I should throw in some different kinds of my scripting's before I go 10-42. I will call this one "Nusense Chapter Two".

16. Oliver Wendall Holmes said "The best book is not the thought it contains, but the thought which it suggests; just as the charm of music dwells not in the tones but in the echo's of our hearts". The writings in this Nusense writing was completed by myself in 21 days, following right shoulder surgery, the first of three. The original was typed with one finger of my non-writing left hand. After the initial two weeks of pain and medication, there was the down time needed for rest and recovery. I lived alone and learned to survive on Spam. I could have watched TV, but found that useless and obnoxious. I could have read books, but I normally spend a lot of time reading history books anyway. I therefore, decided to let my thoughts and finger do the talking. I hope that these words and those of others collected here may incite and excite others to whatever your recovery is deemed necessary. All of us, regardless of mental, physical or otherwise will eventually need it.

17. Take Your Medication. Following a physical surgery, a surgeon will often prescribe a pain medication to assist in your recovery. It is proper to do so, and not to following the stupid advice of Legislatures and Congressman who think they know better. Many suffering people wait until the pain is unbearable, then take it. And then we have to take large amounts of the pain medication to catch up on the pain level. It just doesn't work that way and it means we have listened to the wrong advice from those so called do-gooders who think you are going to get hooked. To keep on top of the pain, we should take it in front of the pain or its first indication. Don't be stupid. Physicians are trained to do that. Politicians are trained on how to sell you baloney as many of these are connected to drug counselling centers or the love of more money. Additionally, there are other times we get caught up in situational depression, anxiety and consider to end the torment we are going though. Don't spend your parents life savings on those so called drug centers. Talk to a Doctor and get the truth. There is hope with the proper medication, then get to work on walking, exercise; good foods. Get away to nature and enjoy the wonders of the world. I took one drug addict fishing. He stood on a rock and caught a fish. That changed him forever. Take a kid for a horseback ride or hauling hay. It is good medicine.

18.  Recovery. All recoveries are different with different people and yet each person may find individual resolutions with each battle. All recoveries want to curb the pain, and all are personal and treated different. Don't ever try to fight the battle alone. It often requires a higher power through prayer, even if you are a sinner, as I am. God will listen and make haste, if that is the proper way. Regardless of who you are or what you may think you are, a higher power is always available to the seeker.

19. What a headache! For many, the simple headache is cured with two aspirins and a coke, or at least that was my medical compound as a kid. For others, it is a prolonged event, invoking the help of many. Such was the case of a nephew-Bobby Joe. As a kid, he was riding his bike up and down hills where they were building new homes by the rural invaders. He was ten and went down hard on his head. He was taken by Life Flight and had to have his skull removed with blood on the brain or what we call a serious Subdural Hematoma. It was a long fight for him; Guardian Angels and his family, but he made it and is living a happy life with wife and kids. Residual effects are his loss of hearing in one ear, but in good shape. He had to endure the mean kids that made fun of his helmet, but morally strong and showed them he was tougher then those bottom of the barrel kids.

20. Don't Squat With Your Spurs On. In the old west and part of the new west, wranglers are different than city slickers. When mother nature calls, a guy can take care of some business standing behind a cactus, but cowgirls have to find another way. If you are in a bad way, one needs to respect privacy. It is not just enough to pull your drawers down and do your business. One has to remove the Garcia spurs first and foremost. If you are shopping with a sling on your shoulder or bandage on your leg, let somebody else do the shopping. People in a grocery store or in a mall think that bag of candy is the last food on earth, and care little of your hurt body, but pretend to care when they leave the door open for you and they have parked in the handicap parking. If you are walking with a big brace, stay away from the buffet line. The overweight guy wants to push you to the ground to get their last potato and gravy. It ain't worth it. And never ever try to travel on Utah's 1-15. When we get on it, we too think stupid and pretend we are A.J. Foyt in the Indy 500 and don't care about you.

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