Friday, February 25, 2022


First of all, we need to do a little explaining on who is who and hopefully we can do a shorten brief on it rather than go back to the 1600's and explain everything. In short, two Nortonville Tolley sisters married to Nortonville Jones brothers. All in all the folks in Nortonville all worked together to build a school/church and sorry to say most of the homes are gone and I noticed one log cabin is built where my grandfather worked hard to build two dams coming out of Birch springs. Anyway, Nephew Edward Gleason sent a Happy New Year Card to his Aunt, which would be Jane Tolley Jones. She passed away at the  home I grew up in and it still stands. Anytime that somebody lived there, then passed I asked my mother and Dad if I could recover and protect all of the old artifacts. They said yes, so after a half century, I uncovered them and gave a lot of the documents to the LDS church, as it was journals that belonged to Brigham when he stopped there. My guess, they will keep most of them locked away in Granite until such time they need them. This is the first time I have seen this card and think it was beautifully made. I also put the funeral announcement on here that was given to us by our neighbor and former teacher-Mabel Sperry. So there you have it.

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