Saturday, February 19, 2022


Over my years, especially during boring meetings that take up valuable time to determine the next time we meet, I would write down sayings I heard as a kid. Since most of those boring meetings were paid for by the taxpayer, I thought I would do some free paybacks. If you are a policitcan, one would call them free "Grants" so in a way you all paid me for writing these down instead of wasting time on doing nothing. Smile if you get them or smile if you don't. I used to smile when I heard my mother swear. Well, she didn't really swear, she just spelled HELL out, or DAM but we knew she meant business. We will call this Chapter One then add other chapters from time to time. Most of them were written during boring meetings or with a broken up body and told to sit and do nothing and let it heal or I wrote it down when somebody else wrote them but used them. Some may find the words helpful in recovery and  some may find them neither humorous nor appropriate; kind of like gambling. Throw your dice.

1. Watch your P's and Q's actually came across the plains with Mormons who are against drinking               alcohol, but the P's and Q's stood for Pints and Quarts of beer in the British Isles and in Germany..

2. Where in the H E double toothpicks have you been?

3. There are three rules for Success. The first is to Go On. The second is to Go On and the third is Go        On. 

4. The greatest friends I have in the world. live right in my own house.  Kent Jones

5.  "All things are possible to he who believes. They are less difficult to he who hopes; they are easy to        he who loves, and they are simple to any who do all three."  Sunshine Magazine 

6.  A true friend is someone who thinks you are a good egg, even though they know you are slightly             cracked,

7. "Anything below 1st placed is last place."      Kent Jones

8.  "The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight; but they while,                their companions slept, were toiling upwards in the night."     Longfellow

9.  No life is perfect that has not lived; youth in feeling; manhood in battle; old age in meditation".

10."The man who has not anything to boast of but his illustrious ancestry, is like a potato-the only               good belonging to him is underground."    

11. Big Men become is by doing what they didn't want to do when they didn't want to do it, so they              become bad parents by having their kids play the sports game for them.    

12. "Those who don't know, talk; those who know, listen"

13.  You Are Nobody. Nobody is perfect, therefore you are perfect. God didn't make any errors when             each of us were created. All people are individuals, yet each of us are blessed with a particular                 skill or ability. We may spend a lifetime searching for what that is ,but it is there. It may take                   other  people to help bring it out or events where a heart is broken; a life is lost or life altering                 injury. Keep searching for that which you are placed on earth for.       

14. Girls in Dresses. Perhaps it is just my generation, but I still am in awe of the striking femininely              beauty of a woman in a dress. A dress is the similarity of a barbed were fence. They both provide            protection without observing the view.

15. Pure Love is Never Wasted. While driving across Texas, I started to formulate the words for the son        titled "Nothing is Forever, Except Forever, and the my love for you". When we fall in love, and we        will at one time or another, we often experience differ moods or levels of feeling. If you are in a              state of recovery, seek those that truly love you to assist you. In one case with me, I only received          help from those who truly loved me. I knee it was a battle for my life as I was hit with MERCA at a        Salt Lake area hospital. Death was knocking on my door once again. I found the greatest friends I          have in the world are those that live right in my home or near me. When we are in love, that love is        forever and no earthly power can separate it. During this time of recovery, giving and able to                 receive love is a critical factor and sometimes it takes personal courage to receive it. It is not always       done by itself.

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