Thursday, February 3, 2022


They told me in AA that the best way to get over an addiction is to first admit you have a problem, then the rest is easy. So here goes. As a teenage, I visited the football stadium of Kansas City and got hooked. Then, there was Dodger Stadium, Yankee Stadium, and I got hooked like a carp in a net. Even on a college level, I couldn't put it down and out of sight. Before remotes, I would get two TVs and a radio to listen to them all. But the obnoxious behavior of one Monday Night Football guy got to me, and helped teach me a lesson. Then came a couple years ago, when professional sports became what many called anti-American. I finally saw it for myself, even the star quarterback I had met and idolized. When he bent down on one knee, I knew his predicament. He felt obligated to join them, as the lineman often do to make the quarterback the real start. But I figured he couldn't take the guilt of doing the putting down of America  and recently "retired". He was too good of an American to do what he knew was wrong. I have therefore refused to go to another professional basketball or football game or watch them on TV. It is refreshing. In going through my boxes of papers I could feel the urge to throw even the 1935 Rose Bowl parade float postcard in the fire, but for those that haven't yet realized their own addiction, I will givit to whoever wants it. We will try to show all the photos.

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