Friday, February 4, 2022


Anytime that we lose somebody that is close to us, we each die a little bit inside. It happens with family, friends or furry animals. The first time it happens we ask the question WHY him? He was such a good guy. After all these years I can still feel the heart ache and we often deal with it, but never get over it. Such is life. At the time of the incident, various agencies worked together to find the hoodlum we were looking for and since I knew the very area where he was killed I was involved. Ron was one of the first to try out one of the new bullet proof vests that the police were using. They were not comfortable and didn't fit the body as well as the ones they have now. My office was 7 blocks away from where Officer Heaps was killed and since we knew each other, but didn't work for the same agency, we often assisted each other in law enforcement. My personal breakdown didn't occur til a long stream of police cars followed his slain body to Alpine, which at the time, was a hidden small rural town near American Fork Canyon. I shed tears not for Ron but his widow and his small children without out their father. Sometimes life doesn't seem fair, but then I came to know that sometimes their is a reason behind all things that we are not aware of. Ron Heaps was a good cop. Funny, Friendly, and one who cared for all,. I still stand fast for all cops who stand up for all, as Ron did.

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