Wednesday, February 2, 2022


Yup, there are times we just can't help ourselves. I haven't watched a TV news program for almost a half century, as a lot of it is twisted truth. Same with major media papers, so I rely on GRIT, Readers Digest, and re-reading The Times News. In this edition, their are some updates you should be aware of. P.L. Benton can no longer be contacted at the Forrest Hotel, mainly because they tore that down years ago as it was blighted. It was on the southwest corner of Track and Main. You can no longer contact Ross Garrett at the Utah Poultry as that is gone too, and it is doubtful that any railroad bums are bathing in Salt Creek nearby like they used to do. The IGA building is still in place, but Chris Memmott doesn't have any groceries there. Both Bub Hepler at the UTOCO is gone, as it was on the southeast corner of Main and Track. Steve Greenwood's place of business is still there, but no new Chey's are there, but you can get a good deal of a Trailer from the White Boys. And yes, The Times News is still printing all the local news and does a heck of a good job. You can find the Maurice Chapman furniture store, but they sell used things there. The upstairs is where the secret stuff that went on in Nephi is stored from years ago, but we better not tell any of the Savings Bonds people that. Get on the good news that will last you a life time, and see how many you recognize and have fun doing it.

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