Sunday, February 13, 2022


In Nortonville, it is Troy Boy's day today. Doesn't seem possible, but it is, and we have the cigar to prove it. In the old days that is all we needed to show you was done did born, and back then your name was King Edward. Now if they would just pay back your royalties. Anyway, I wanted to shout Yippy Ty Yeah to you cowboy, and yes, I still have your cowboy hats and your six shooters with the real caps in them. I forgot what the photo of the bare arms were, but I think it was when you got your cast off from the one arm. Like your old man, you have lived a lot of life's, and that is good. I forgot my Corvette was the same color as your truck and we both had brain injuries', but I am the only one that can still use that as an excuse. I love you kid, and hope you know that our life's on earth or just a test for the real world when we get back home. Keep hanging on to your true grit and determination. You are stronger that you think. Remember when you were playing with your cousins in Mona and had your thumb cut off playing in the barn. We held it together while we raced to a hospital in Salt Lake to get it reattached. I still don't like the Highway Patrol Trooper pulling us over for speeding and instead of giving an escort he didn't care about the thumb, 'you can't speed'. Then the time I got a brain concussion while sledding. At age 11, you drove me to the Nephi Hospital and your 12 year old brother was the Navigator. I don't know who taught you to drive that standard truck, but glad we were in our home town to find the hospital. And  they called my sister and didn't know who she was and I wasn't even kidding that time. Thanks for saving my life kiddo. You did a year in the Air Force, but that was a year longer than your old man did. Remember always, we have your brother to help us through this life which is often dismal. He is our assigned guardian angel, and you, like Justin; me, my father and his father may die penniless, but have great earth memories, which God is proud of. Never Ever Give Up!


1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to see these pictures! Great memories. ❤️
