Sunday, February 27, 2022

It is hard to believe, but for the first time in decades, I attended church!

The rumor is true. I attended an LDS Church Sacrament meeting today. I was invited to go by a great man and his wife. I had served on the Nephi City Council with Nate Memmott and knew he had been an LDS Bishop in the past, and was one of those guys you could always trust, even as a politician!. So I put my soul in his hands. I was hoping he was going to publicly call me to repentance, but he gave a good talk anyway. He first wanted to pay respect for his wife-Steph, who I sat by. Both are that rare breed of great people on earth. I was born and raised as a Mormon, but hadn't been for so long I thought 9 in the morning was a bit early. I joked with them that the last call at the Nebo Club was 2 AM, so not sure if my horse would still get me home in time for church. Nathan spoke of the importance of faith and prayer and hoped that us pupils would take heed to the spirit in which he spoke, rather than the words That hit home to me, as I have always been a firm believer in all, and body language speaks louder than words anyway. And I don't like to give prayers in government settings, as it didn't feel right inside my heart. However, I used prayer each night, as my career was working with some of the most dangerous people of the world. That struck me in awe as Nathan continued. Then something else hit me as he reported he had also spoke in a Mona ward sometime ago. That is when my old teachings hit home. He had to be a member of the High Council of his Stake. Gee whiz, he should have called me to repentance after all of the one on one cussing and moaning I did over political situations and politicians who "spoke with forked tongue". Another thing that threw me back, was I recall attending a funeral of a friends mother. I liked that as you could go up to the front and have the Catholic Priest give you a sip of wine. So it threw me off a little when young men in their white shirts were passing out Sacrament trays. Gosh dang it, it was water and not the wine I thought it may be. After all, at one time I was a wine Connoisseur and made by own wine plucking the grapes from the vines I brought from France. And yes that is legal in Utah, as long as you don't sell it and keep it to a small amount, All in all, it was a good to go to church. I got my future all planned out. I will soon be going to a nursing home, then when dead, they can put in a wheelbarrow and haul me across the street for a funeral at the church, then put me back in the wheelbarrow and haul me back across the street to my burial plot. Oh Lordy Lordly. One photo is of 3rd Ward Church I went to today. The other one is when I was a part time Connoisseur.

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