Saturday, February 26, 2022

One great man plus a second one should add up to two, or maybe even three!

I wasn't exactly sure why our family kept this one page from the Daily Herald newspaper from 1984. After giving it a once over, that is when I knew. At first glance, I see a photo of of a personal friend- Paul H. Dunn, a General Authority of the LDS Church. Years ago, he was one of the most prolific and uplifting speakers in the Church, some times at General Conference; BYU Campus; Mission President, or whatever he was doing  in  the 20 plus years in his position of the First Council of the Seventy. When he was speaking, thousands upon thousands would listen and take heed to his advice and counsel. One of those was me, but not until the bigger wigs of the LDS church gave him some kind of a kick out notice. Although he had fudged somewhat in telling some of this stories, to me he was no different that what my "Uncle Hy" Tolley did a hundred years ago and what I do sometimes. Although he played professional baseball, it was not in the Big Leagues for the St  Louis Cardinals, but for a minor league. Today, we still see many players that are ready to be called up, but play for a minor league as Paul did. There were some other situations where he invested his private money in what many thought were scheme type adventures. In those days, little do most people know that many of the General Authorities were being paid to be on the Board of Directors for places like ZCMI and that was one of the reasons that the business is no longer as such. I got acquainted with Paul in 1969, and took advantage of him, and perhaps he me. He needed a shoulder to cry on, and I took him to a variety of prison's and places of incarceration where even as an older man, he was a motivating speaker. He wasn't kicked out of the church, but told not to do any church business and the worst he felt was not being able to join other family members in putting his hands under a baby when it was blessed. I was very familiar with the Bishop that thought it was improper to do that, and so did Paul. He died at 74, and like Jesus, it was because of broken heart. He is still a hero to me, as were the other two men listed on the same page. One was my father-Alma Jones and the other is Andy Anderson, another Nephite and their funeral viewings were on the same night. They are all heroes to me

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