Sunday, February 20, 2022


As noted in previous chapters, I am going through a variety of boxes which contain writings; journals and such that me and my family have kept since the Jones family first arrived in Nephi, Utah during 1852. The notes I have written in this Chapter and other ones referred to is "Nusense", as they contain various notes I have written down from other notes I have retained or kept in mind. Some may be accurate and some may be just what Uncle Hy Tolley was rumored to have said or did.

21. Park Day. When visiting a state or National Park, the visitors Center usually has a log so you can inform the world where you hail from. You can also make comments, both good or bad. I spent more than ten years doing volunteer duty every weekend for about ten years at a Utah State Park, and during slow times, I would log in how many visitors that came through, and giggle at some of the things they would write, and of course couldn't re-write them all, but did the best I could. Of the comments for improvement, I took them serious, and attempted to let the State Park Chief know what they were and what could be done about it. Utah parks are maintained, partially, by entry fees and by Utah taxpayers, as visitors often stop for food or gas prior to arrival at the park. Often times however, Park Rangers don't take the comments overly seriously, as they merely want the number of visitors recorded for selfish type purposes. They use those numbers to go to the State Legislature to extract more monies for their existence. Like all things said or done, one has to examine all information before a decision is made and know their motive. "Dick Loves Sally" were show to be from Shitwhitz Reservation may not have been accurate, although their is a reservation by that name, but they didn't spell it correctly and the names were modified inappropriately..

22. Belle Starr-My Kind Of Woman. Years ago while working as a policer officer during the 2002 Salt Lake Olympics, I was moving a concrete barrier, and suffered a herniated disc and broke a piece of my hip bone off. Although I finished my duties, I went to a Salt Lake Hospital and had surgery which forced me to remain prone for some time. There were those first few days that were full of pain, but thank God their were Doctors that gave me pain pills to ease the pain. Once again, it was not elected people that are the physicians. Healing began, and the pain medications were eased off. Bodrum then set it, and I knew I had to be careful not to force it, so I turned to reading books that my brother and sister brought me. Breaks would be watching the particles of dust that the afternoon sun would come through the window and show their presence. Counting them was relaxing and helped healed the body and the brain. One of the books I read was on the life and times of Jesse James and his band of outlaws. It was one that was backed up with as much facts as possible and I enjoyed it. One of his female outlaw friends was Belle Starr and my thoughts and fantasy turned to her life and tried to find as much as I could. I was single at the time, so I let the dreams come forth. I soon heard enough to make my  journey. Montana called me and when I was well enough to sit for awhile, I took my weeks journey to Montana and Canada in search for my own Belle Starr. I didn't find her, but close enough. I took a freeway off and stopped in a small store and talked to the old man that was attending the store. He didn't show me Belle, but told me of a local author that wrote a book on her, so I traveled to that authors home and found the research on Belle Starr. She was my kind of woman, but I was a little late to find my Belle and I returned to Utah with all of the books written by my new friend and author-Anne Seagraves and she autographed each one including "Soiled Doves" I soon healed and went back to work and still think of Belle Starr, one of my loves of life.

23. Love At First Sight. Justin and Miranda were in love. It appeared they were from the first. After their marriage, their love seemed to increase, and that is when they decided to include a third ingredient in their family. The small St. Bernard puppy reminded me of the one we got both my boys when they were youngsters and it was their best friend. Although massive in size, they are gentle. Perhaps that is what some people are like. They don't have to be strong, but show their potential and most other dogs and people cow down to them. This puppy was built like a tank, and so they named it Tank. Although I am not necessarily a dog lover(because of their owners), me and Tank hit it off and I would often go play with it. He was a gentle giant and they kept a perfectly clean house and backyard where Tank roamed. I soon  realized that regardless of our problems of life, an animal may provide the love that all of us needs-the same sort of unconditional love to give and receive, just like Tank. And if you don't fall in love at first sight, there is nothing wrong with giving it time, and then gaze for a second glance. Nothing lasts forever, except forever and the love between each other.

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