Sunday, February 6, 2022


 On April 6, 1917, the United States declared war against imperial Germany and entered the 'War to End All Wars" that had been raving Europe  most of three long years. We did hold off going into it, but had been shipping food and supplies to assist England and France.Young men from all over joined and Juab County was no exception.They held a mass party and send off by way of train with most of the local boys serving with the 145th Field Artillery Battalion and saw oversee battles. The Ladies Dellu Band joined in the send off. Patriotism during the war reached such a peak that on July 14, 1918. the French National Holiday was celebrated in Nephi. A large crowd was assembled in the Tabernacle listening to speeches of the French Revolution and Americans debt to France during the Revolution,  along with several people from nearby towns signing a revolution to support France to the end and mailed it to the French government. The war was soon over and in 1925, a fitting tribute and to shown appreciation a service star was placed in the middle of Main Street where it connects with Center Street. Years later because of increased traffic flow, it was removed but placed inside of the DUP Museum, and we would like to restore it and again place it somewhere where we can give credit to all service people who will be called on to defend our country in future battles that will sure to come. Perhaps

in front of the old CourtHouse by the flag, or wherever it is deemed appropriate. Please contact your County Commissioner and DUP officials of your willingness to collect funds or help for such dedication to our Veterans.

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