Sunday, March 1, 2015

Although you may be from Juab County, you may not recognize this local lady, but hopefully I can get you acquainted with her. Her name is Sylvia Peters, being born in Nephi in 1895. Her parents were Seth and Margaret Shaw McPherson. Although she married, her husband died in 1922, and no children were born. She was of interest to me in 1994, as she was 99 years old, so I wanted to interview her. I did so with the help of my mother who was acquainted with her. I took notes of that historical interview and she spoke of her love for Nephi, having lived there her entire life. She spoke of devotion to her church and the goodness of the McPherson family. She was adamant she would live until a hundred, and thought it was important to always look forward to tomorrow, but to live each day as if it was your last. She did live to the fullest, and passed away on August 3, 1995, at age 100. Here's to you Sylvia...your legacy lives on.

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