Wednesday, March 25, 2015

So what does a 1848 Utah Mormon pioneer have in common with Napoleon!

During the early 1800's Napoleon Bonaparte was the Emperor of France and 70 million people. Many historians consider him one of the greatest military commanders in the world. He of course met his "Waterloo" when he wanted to seize control of Russia, much to the dismay of several European countries and surrendered to the British. He died in 1821, while being held as a prisoner on a remote island. Although I don't recall the reasoning, portraits of Napoleon show him with his right hand in his vest, as shown in the attached portrait copy. I was thinking of Napoleon when I came across a 125 year old cardboard photograph of Jabus Nowlin, who was born in Salt Lake a year after Brigham Young arrived in the valley of salt. Jabus  married a Juab County gal by the name of Maria Tolley, who was  born in 1853. She was the daughter of Wm. Fisher and Sarah Warren Tolley and the recovered items belonged to Sarah. What I thought was intriguing is the photo of him with his right hand in the vest. I hope to give these items to either the Juab County Daughters of Utah Pioneers or the LDS church, so they can provide the historical items to millions of viewers. The critical thing is...... who do I ask to see why Jabus was resting his hand where it was. Was that a Juab County thing or did he just like Napoleon or was it because he was frustrated the picture taking took so long.

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