Sunday, March 1, 2015

In the golden olden days, we called them the mailman, as it was usually a male man who carried the mail, often walking the beat. Things have changed, so we now refer to them as Mail Carriers. We often give medals of courage to people who fight fires or in battle, but we seldom give the proper recognition to those that are daily public servants, such as those who work with the mail. Although computers have taken away from the letter writing campaign, it doesn't take away the importance of "Deliver De Letter De Sooner De Better". Through the years, all families have relied on that communication. I therefore, recognize those hero's we have had in Juab County over the years. Although I may not have the proper spelling, I recall Fred Gadd; Gloria Jean Gustin; Sandra Mangelson; Therall Pay;
Froze Lunt; Vic Jones; Dennis Truscott; Duane Painter and Jim Whimpey. The first photo is of George Phillips who was a mail carrier for over 28 years. To me, he was a double hero, as he was a Boy Scout official; 40 year member of the Lions Club and fought in World War Two while in the Navy. The second man is Bill Sperry, who passed away 20 years ago this month, but had delivered our mail for 30 years. He too was a double hero, in that he was a Little League Coach in Nephi for 30 years, and a church softball and basketball coach. He was such a proper gentleman and devoted family man, it is hard to see him storming the beaches as a Marine Leatherneck, but he did, fighting in World War Two, in the South Pacific, China and then Japan. Who is your favorite Mail Carrier?


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