Saturday, March 14, 2015

If you are from Juab County, and you run out of gas, who are you goin call?

If you live in the Nephi area during the 1950's through the 1970's, many of the homes were heated with oil. The family oil reserve was often placed on a wood structure, or in an underground tank. Coal had been the earlier source of fuel, as it could easily be delivered by the Johnson's or the Tidwell's, and would often send the small smaller chips through a trap door leading to the room built just for the furnace. So when you ran out of oil on that cold sub-zero night at Christmas time, 1961, who could you call. I had to call my brother to jog the webs of the brain. He quickly reminded me of Elgin Gardener, then his son Bryce who later took over the business. It seems that there was also a man in Levan who was a distributor, but I wasn't really sure. I recall Theo Westring, and not sure he had his own gas station like some of the distributor, but well known and respected by all. It seems that many of them had in the block just west of the flour mill on first north and second west in Nephi.

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