Friday, March 13, 2015

Your home will always your home.

The first photo shows the home of Wm. Fisher Tolley and his first wife-Sarah Warren Tolley.
That well built home has been around for more than a hundred years and was the home for many people. In 1893, Vic Jones was born there, as his mother(Elizabeth Tolley Jones)came in from Nortonville to live with mother until her husband(Wm. Jones) came home from his mission in England. Victor was so named as per the request of Wm., to honor King George and Queen Victoria of England. In the that photo, standing behind the fence, from left to right, are Claud Tolley, Vina Tolley and Sarah Warren Tolley. We are not  a hundred percent sure about the kids in front, but it may be Florence, Fred(?) and Molly Perkins. The second photo is of the same house in recent years. I always called it the Rex Tolley home, for a couple different reasons. Not only did Rex and Gladys (Kendall) raise their kids there, but Rex and I were cousins; co-workers, but most important, we were friends. After the passing of Rex and Gladys, it seems that their daughter Susan lived there, but uncertain as to who the present occupants are. Regardless, it is still the Tolley home to most people that have been around Nephi for awhile.

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