Wednesday, March 11, 2015


The first wife of Wm. Fisher Tolley was Sarah Warren, and they were married on the first day of August in 1848. They helped colonize Nephi, Utah, during a time the Mormon Church allowed polygamy, and under the direct permission and guidance of Brigham Young. The first Utah Tolley parents had ten kids, and so forth and so on, and now after 167 years, there are still several hay wagons full of Tolley's in Juab County, and they all seem to carry the good work ethics as did the originals. Back in the early days, the deal was that before the husband took on more wife's, he had to get permission from the first wife. That must have been a sight to see, but for Sarah, she went along with it, and going through her documents, papers and letters, her support seems genuine. Wife Number Two was Sarah Gadd, who was born in Cambridge, England in 1850. Wife Number Two was "transferred" to Idaho, where Wm. and that Sarah had more kids than I have fingers, but it looks like fourteen of them. They were referred to as the Idaho Tolley's and both families and their kids would often communicate in person and with letters, showing love for each other. And you thought that was the end didn't you....well not yet.  Wm. Tolley took on two more wives, and guess what the name of wife Number Three was-yup, her name was Sarah, with the last name of Bardell. He then took Wife number Four, and confused everybody, as her name was Elizabeth and for some reason, it seems like I recall somebody telling me years ago that wife Number Three and Four were sisters. Now back to the first Sarah. My hat or bonnet goes of to her, as she was a devoted wife and mother and with every photo I have of her, she dressed with extreme class. Both photos are of Sarah, and the Happy Birthday postcard was sent to her in 1909, from a granddaughter. Sarah died in Nephi at age ninety-one and right up to the end, she like to be dressed up, often with with a bonnet. She was Nephi's best of the best.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting these photos and memories.
    Is there ever going to be a Tolley reunion? Or has there been some I've missed?
    I live on Vancouver Island born in Lethbridge, my Dad was Ted Tolley[Philip Edward]
