Saturday, March 21, 2015


Think about it.  How about going back to the time Columbus first set ground on the unknown land of the Americas, or watching Moses spread the Red Sea.  The rough part would not be wanting to go up to the walled water and see if you could stick your hand through it. Well, I don't have the diaries of those folks, but do have 150 years worth of folks from Juab County. So lets go back at least 74 years for right now, more to follow another time.  As this diary of Alma Jones was written in pencil, it is a little obscured, so I will attempt to type that which he wrote starting on March 9, 1941.

March 9, 1941
Ellen Garrett folks are up from Nevada visiting a day or two with Joe & Ellen. Norma and children here from Mona for a short visit.

March 10, 1941
There was a parade in town today, honoring the battery boys, who are to leave for California within the next few days. A fine program was held at the high school.

March 11, 1941
Roy Winn & Vivian are down here for a short visit. Alta was with them. They are visiting Aunt Jane this afternoon. Mother and Father are over there. Calanice Sunderg called.

March 12, 1941
It was a nice sunny day. The farmers are starting to work in the fields. Payson 2nd Ward put on a very good show in our ward- Meanest Man In The World.

March 13, 1941
We have been out to Mona to see Norma this afternoon. While there we got a lot of raspberry plants from Mr. Young. Mary Garrett is having her shower tonight.

March 14, 1941
Mother has not been feeling so well today. Norma and George has been over today.  Also Emma and Pearl have been out helping Alma. Went to Levan this afternoon. Called to Louise Anderson.

March 15, 1941
It is a nice warm sunny day. Emma is helping with the work. LaVon and Mrs. Memmott called to see mother in afternoon. Private dance in South Ward tonight.

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