Sunday, March 1, 2015

You know you're from Juab County if you ever met a Bowles. They were some of the original settlers in the area, along with the Ords, Jackson's, Whitmores, Paxman and Bailey families. The first photo is of Thomas Bowles, Sr. who hauled logs with oxen for building purposes in the 1850's. The second is Carl Bowles, who was born in Nephi in 1899; graduated from USU, then returned to Nephi where he stayed put, enjoying his life as a great farmer. The third photo is of Jay Bowles. He served in the Navy during World War Two, then like his brother-Earl, taught grade school for a third of a century and both were very good at it. Then came Boyd Bowles, who was a favorite in our neck of the woods. His father-Spencer, had one of the first TV's in the north part of town in the 1950's, so we became friends with Boyd and able to watch Roy Rogers and Gene Autry Saturday shows. Once properly trained we could go to the ole hollow and play cowboys and Indians.

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