Sunday, March 1, 2015

Several days ago, a photo of the original 4-D guys was, were or did done placed here. Each of those men specialized in a particular area of expertise, and very successful at it. They were the working force of the company, seen in and about the construction areas. However, I remember this gal as the face of 4-D. She is Georgia Austin, who was married to Dave, one of the founders. She was originally a Tunbridge from Levan. Anytime you went to 4-D's, she would be working there, and did so faithfully for over 30 years. Although she has now been transferred to another building site, look to the left when you go in the present day 4-D. This is not a sales pitch for them, but to me its almost like she is still there working her work, and offering her friendly smile and cha

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