Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A couple more wedding invations that are late, but still valid, and especially with Bud Hammond of the Nephi Drug who will still take contributions for his daughters wedding gift.

If you don't remember how beautiful Georgia Haymond was, this photo from The Times News may  refresh your memory. As I recall, she was also pretty dang smart and active in Juab High student stuff. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Haymond Jr.  A few blue moons ago she wedded Bruce A. Thompson, a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ludlow of down town Benjamin, Utah.

The second wedding invitation is from 1905 and sent to relatives in Nephi, Utah. It is to announce the wedding of Annie Theresa Stevens to Mr. Edward Jackson. The ring exchange was at Empire, Nevada, and they made their home at Tecoma, Nevada. If you look closely at this aged document, you can see the similar rust stains that are in Empire and Tecoma, as they are both now ghost towns. In their hay day, they were the towns to be in, with Empire being an important mining town for gypsum, and Tecoma being an important layover for train passengers, and yes, before that-stagecoach folks.

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