Saturday, April 11, 2015

Here are four photos that are at least a hundred years old. We have the name for two of them, but not the others.

The first photo of the younger child has written on the back "Georges baby for Grandma", so we suspect that is sent to Sarah Warren Tolley of Nephi, Utah. It has also written on it..."his name is George Rex Nowlin...this is the one that died as soon as they got to Canada".

The younger person sitting in the chair looks like a girls dress, but the older writing on the back shows "Stanley Burdell Scott    age 13 months".

We are not sure who the last two photos are if, but we put a couple things together. The well dressed lady had her photo taken in the township of Rochdale, which is a portion of Manchester, England. That was where many of the early LDS pioneers came from, and it is where LDS missionary Wm. Jones had been stationed, and as per his diary he send a variety of photos home which were of family members that remained in the British Isles. He was on a mission there in 1894 and 1895. 

The second photograph was taken by the Alma Chase Photography company and has that embossed on the photo, along with Nephi City.  It will be our intention to send the first Rochdale photo back to a museum in Manchester the little girl photo to be given to the Nephi DUP.

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