Monday, April 13, 2015

If you have lived or died in Nephi since 1866, you may have heard of the Anderson Funeral Home.

During the 1940's, fifties, sixties and seventies, if somebody called to see how you were feeling, we would often hear the response of  "Well, Miles hasn't called yet". That would mean the ill person was not quite ready for the mortician, who was Miles Anderson. As that was the only funeral home in East Juab County, families got nervous as to who to call if something happened to Miles. We had no fear when his son Mike took over the business, but who would we call if something happened to Mike. I found out today, after talking to Mike at a funeral. We can now relax, as his son-Chad is following the business and in the process of building a new funeral home in Draper, which will be called the Anderson & Goff Mortuary as well as helping in Nephi. So all our fears can be put to rest, sota speak, as the Anderson Funeral Home has always been in good hands since 1866, and will be in the future. Most folks may not remember when the Nephi area didn't have an ambulance, and it was up to Miles Anderson to be the first on scene of a deadly car crash. He did that for 38 years and also served on the volunteer Nephi Fire Department for 44 years, 16 of which was as the Chief; Nephi Lions; Nephi Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Elks Club. This is not an advertisement for the Anderson Funeral Home, just an important note of history, but we know our loved ones remain in good hands.

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