Monday, April 13, 2015

It is Oct. 4th and 5th of 1963. The deer hunt is not yet on for Nephi, so what can a person do for some fun.

When the high school started in Nephi, classes were held in the old Central School, being only the third high school established in Utah, which was in 1899. It was first called Nephi High, then later modified to be Juab High, with the high school being built in 1922. I recall my father was a young man who took interest in mason work, and came to known the builder, who took great pride in saying the building would stand for at least a hundred years. In 1954, Juab went big time when they built a football field. But before the big game with arch rival North Sanpete, we have to have some fun beforehand. We would white wash the "J"; have a flashlight parade, led by the Pro Vita, then of course have the Homecoming dance.

 It doesn't make sense to have a dance without a Queen and attendants. The photos should show Queen Miss Diana Parkin in the middle, then Miss Rose Keyte on the right as first attendant, and Miss Kathy Newton as the second. That photo was taken a long time ago, but in visiting with Rose Keyte a few months ago, she has only became more beautiful.  Another photo should show football Co-captains Paul Boswell, Paul Harmon and Harlo Newton. The final score should not be talked about, so let's move on to seeing the classy cars parked along Track Street.  A shy and somewhat nervous Queen is not quite sure what Paul is going to do after he pins the corsage on Diana Parkin.

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