Monday, April 13, 2015

This is a Blacksmith shop that was on the southwest corner of the old high school at first north or Track Street in Nephi.

In what we think is 1885, this is the Lenhart Blacksmith Shop, located on the old high school campus, on the southwest corner, although the previous owners may have the Wheelwrights. From left, we see Jess Salisbury, Will Worwood, Lew Jones, Joe Lenhart and his father, Will Jones and his team of Duke and Nellie. Over the years, there had been some speculation where that Blacksmith shop actually was, but we are assured it is where we always thought it was. We have attached an earlier shot of the high school, showing where the Juab Class of 58 put a sign up. We believe the sign is in the exact spot of where the blacksmith shop was, only facing to the west. If you stand where the present day photo was taken, looking southeast, the mountain ridge lines up with the original photo of the Blacksmith shop. Just don't put your ear to the ground to see if you can hear the ghostly sounds of an old horseshoe being worked on an anvil. It makes the Nephi City employees nervous.

1 comment:

  1. Morris' s great grandpa Pexton had a blacksmith shop right west of where Alan and Margene Ostler lived. The Ostler home was on the corner of 300 N 200 W. The Pexton's had 4 daughters: May, Eva, Lily, and Kate. May married Judge Burton. Eva married Frank Jones, the Fire Chief of Murray. Lily married Jack Wright,Morris's grandpa. Kate married Al Burton (the barber) and parents of Danell Worwood. We were told that Terry Browns father bought all the blacksmithing tools. I do not remember the years and need to look for that info stored away in boxes from the move.
