Wednesday, April 22, 2015

"The Key Of Promise" was the title of the Pageant Commerating the anniversary of the Relief Society of the LDS church. These are the stars of that Juab Stake Production of 1958.

It may be difficult to read the names of the stars of this production, as they are hand written in pencil on the right side, so I will attempt to help. The Prophet was played by Dick Chase; Woman in White was Alberta Bean; Woman in Black was Jane Bean;  President was Mrs. Richard Sudweeks; First Counselor was Bessie Tolley; Second Counselor was Mrs. Fred Chapman; Secretary played by Ida Beck and the two Visiting Teachers were Georgia Carter and Julia Bills.  I didn't include the whole script, but will hang on to it. Since I had some information about Ruth Chapman, I scanned that for your late night reading entertainment.

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