Wednesday, April 8, 2015

If you went to school in Juab County during the 1950's and 60's, you probably knew Superintendent Clyde Child and then Ralph Menlove..."Heres to your praise we'll sing"..

I don't know the exact year Dr. Clyde C.Child became the Superintendent, but he arrived in Nephi highly qualified, knowing people, life and education. He was an Eagle Scout; fought in the Pacific, Japan and Korea during World War II; served an LDS mission, and had a variety of religious calling's; went to college where he received various degrees, then taught in Salt Lake and Davis County, then on to Nephi. His office was in the old high school just north of the west entrance. He lived close, being in a home that was north of the school on second north. He ended up his career teaching kids at a youth Job Corp Center. He passed away in 1996. 
Ralph Menlove followed Dr. Child as the School  Boss, and a different caliber than his predecessor, who I saw as a scholastic giant. Although Menlove was smart enough with his education and prior teaching in Payson and Sevier, he was quick to get student support. He was an active participant in anything to do with the school; vivacious and genuine. His career was cut short when he was seriously injured in a car accident, which eventually took it's toll on him, passing away fifteen years ago. The Menlove family was hit with tragedy again when a grandson-Richard Neal Menlove, died due to a car accident while in the Army. As a youngster, I came to know both of these people and their families, and highly regard them as my heros, so thought I would share, including when I worked for Ralph as a 16 year old school janitor. The Menlove family portrait is courtesy of Valoy. From left to right is Ida; JoDene, Neal, Valoy, Caralee, Ralph, Martell, Sheri and Nathan. I think Martell followed his dad, becoming not just a District Superintendent, but of the whole state of Utah.

1 comment:

  1. Sheri is currently serving a mission with her husband, Devon Vickers, in Russia/Ukraine. They are due to return soon. Morris and I Home teach and Visit teach Maurine Vickers.
