Friday, April 3, 2015

If you lived in Juab County during 1895, you would have known Evan Harris; the Nephi City Treasurer-A. Orem, Sr. then perhaps Delphia Teasdale or a Paxman.

In 1860, Evan Harris was born in Iowa City, Iowa, while his mother and father were on their way to Nephi, Utah to join new LDS converts from Wales. Evan became quite a businessman in Nephi, having a livery stable, just west of where the Wells Fargo bank is now located; was the local iceman  had a grain thrasher; was a logger who lived up Nephi Canyon right below where the Ockey family recreational area. He also volunteered to cut and brought the new logs to build the Daughters of Utah Pioneers home on the southeast sector of the Nephi City Park. He brought the logs from his sawmill, which was located a little further up on the Loop Road beyond Devils Kitchen and so named Sawmill Canyon after him and the nearby ridge titled "Harris". Evan got involved in a variety of other industries and the attached check was made out to him in 1895, from Nephi City. It appears he also did some work on "St. Highways" and paid for that in 1902 and did work for Nephi City in 1900 for "Special Police Services". So you know who we are talking about, we present a photo of "Ev" Harris, and the guy with the hat is his father-John Harris, and the woman is his mother-Susannah Jackson Harris, all of whom are buried at Vine Bluff in Nephi. In some hand written notes from many years ago, it appears his first home was a cabin where "Haps" gas station was. Evan Harris died in 1934 at the age of seventy four.

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