Sunday, April 12, 2015

Hail the State Champs! Juab 66, Dixie 44 I read it in the paper today, but the Sundary Herald shows the date being Sunday, March 15, 1959

Sometimes it is dangerous going through boxes that I have tucked away for fifty years, but this box wasn't toxic so had to share the great news. Back then, many of us listened to it on the radio as I did.  We were proud of our team, as the Coach was local, and our boys were local, and we didn't have to ship good players in as we had the perfect guys. They repeated it the next year, but when Coach Garrett headed to Clearfield, the team didn't quite gel together, and we also had to face Gary Hill of the good Gunnison team. I wasn't sure how I could scan the whole sports section, so piece-mealed the important stuff, and perhaps I can find somebody to give it to, such as the Nephi City Library.

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