Wednesday, April 1, 2015

If you build in Nephi, how long does it take a house to become a home!

This is the Nephi Jones home on 7th North and Main, and we are including three different eras of the home since it was built in 1885. Jaynette Jones Grimard is living there now and in the process of adding phase Four to the home. The house was built by Walter Sells, who at the same time also built the home that used to be occupied by Wally Fackrell at 8th North and Main. The Jones home is built by solid poles with two layers of adobe, then plastered over later. Walter sold the home to Sam Love, another Nephi man, and eventually purchased by Wm. and Elizabeth Jones a hundred years ago this summer, the price at that time being $1,000. They still had the farm in Nortonville, but wanted to be closer to town for schooling. The first photo was just recently discovered, and unclear who the photo is of, but may have been shortly after the home was built. The second photo is of Wm. Jones with Corrine Garrett in front and Marian Garrett Mikkelsen hiding behind her.

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