Thursday, April 16, 2015

We have no idea who these old photos are of, but thought we ought to share them with you before we ship them off to a musem.

These cardboard photos are thought to have belonged to somebody in my family from a century ago, but not sure for sure. Surely, your jest! The only one that gives us any clue is the one of the lady sitting holding the younger one on a table.  On the reverse is printed "M. Jensen, photographer, Ephraim, Utah". That may tell us it may have belonged to the Wm. Fisher Tolley family who first lived in Sanpete before coming to Juab County during the Black War. If any reader has an idea as to who any of these people are, or of the hundreds of others I have, please let me know. My e-mail is  as I haven't figured out how to check the e-mail for this bleating blog.

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