Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Nephi Wright family have always been right with me.

If we study the history of Nephi and Juab County, we find the Wright family have been here for a long time, at least since 1857. In the minutes of the Court, we see that in March, 1857, Thomas Wright was one of the people that "came into open Court and produced their papers declaratory of their intentions of becoming citizens of the United States of America and produced all necessary evidence of their loyalty to the United States". All through our records, we see the Wright family including Lilly Ann Wright, who was born in Nephi in 1886, then took the Wright path in 1912, being married to John Franklin Wright. Other right Wrights were Mercy Wright (active in LDS Relief Society in 1895);Thomas Wright Sr. and Jr.; Dee Wright and Verna Wright. Years ago my folks became friends with Kenneth and Mae Wright of Nephi. Ken was born in 1909, and if I remember correctly, their home was six and a half blocks north and first west. I am not certain who "Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Wright" were, but they sent a Christmas note to somebody in the Jones family a few decades ago. One of my favorite Wright's was Lynn Wright, who is in the photograph. He passed away in 1987, but had been active in his church and the community, running a business on main street, then in St. George, but also active in the community, with the Kiwanis Club; Nephi Chamber of Commerce; Hospital Board, and helped to establish the golf course in Nephi. He became my personal hero in 1963, after this writer lost an eye due to an accidental shotgun blast to the face. It was Lynn who came to visit me at a Provo hospital and gave me the emotional support to never give up even though I was a down trodden teenager. I felt impressed he spent the time and effort to give me hope for the future, that in life there are no mistakes, only lessons.

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