Wednesday, April 8, 2015

A Nephi Powell was a good Pal. Here is some yesteryear information on Ray Powell; Bert Powell and Florence Belliston Powell.

When Linda Powell Chamberlain sent me a blog note, it sparked me to remember some Nephi Powell family members, who were liked and repected by many. I am still not and may never become good with scans, so these are not the best, but better than nothing. The photo of the first man is Ray Powell, who was born in 1885 and died in Nephi in 1978. He worked a variety of jobs, but the one I remember most about was when he was the Nephi City electrician, staring in 1926 and did that for 26 years. I remember him as a kid, as he was a friendly guy, and had heard stories about him from my father, who worked for him in the 1930's. In those days, Nephi City generated their electricity from one of the power houses like the first photo copy taken from the book "They Left A Record".  The city had to find their own power poles, many of which were Quaking Aspen from up on the Loop Road. My father worked for Ray to cut the trees, and we still have the tree climbing leg spikes he had used to carve his name at the top of a tree. Ray was considered the perfect boss, even tempered; civil and fair. For many years he was active in the Nephi Kiwanis Club and a Scout Master in the Nephi South Ward. Now if you look at the photo of the other guy, you can see a resemblance, as that is Bert Powell, who is Ray's son. Bert, like his father was a good guy with high work ethics. Alma, Weston and Kent Jones all worked for him when he ran the Juab County Mill and Elevator during the 1960's. The other photo is of his wife-Florence Belliston Powell, who passed away in 1992. I recall her as a woman of class, and when younger, she attended Nephi High, being active in music, drama and sports. Later on while raising a family, she continued her musical talents singing in a women's quartet and various choirs. To the Jones family, the Nephi Powell's were a class act.

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