Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Did you read todays paper today about an illegal search by a cop. If you didn't read it, don't, I will give you a better story of cops

It seems to happen more than it used to-the media reports of an act a cop may have done wrong.  Although cops are given enormous training, they have to rely on judgment decisions, just like the rest of us, and sometimes another power will judge their actions to be in error. To me, it seems we concentrate too much on the negative, so in defense of good cops, I had to list a couple I held high, and have included their obituaries. Unless I got my story wrong, I think the first wife of UHP Trooper Norm Anderson had her funeral in the Nephi North Ward in 1959. As a young 12 year old, I attended that service and astonished at the various police agencies that solemnly marched in the precession. I was struck with awe, as to their professionalism and yet personal attention to Norm. I have included a photo of the chapel, which I think was tore down just four years after her passing. As noted, Norm was a pure professional in all sense of the word, in war and in the battle of crime. I also pay thanks to friend Lynn Lund, who, was one of my college professors, and then a co-worker. He took pride in knowing the law and helped police officers throughout Utah and the United States to become more proficient in their duties. These two cops were the best of the best, yet we don't praise those people enough, so I will.

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