Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Most of us known that we have to pay some taxes to keep the government helping us, but what are these taxes in Juab County in 1963!

In 1963, the Juab County Treasurer was Ada A. Sperry. As such, it was her responsibility to send out Tax Notices for folks that had local property. We don't want the government to overtax us, most can accept that it is each of our responsibilities is to pay our fair share of road maintenance; schools and such. Different eras bring different situations, and it was interesting to check the tax levy in 1963. As noted, we paid for a State Bounty Tax; Tubercular and Bang's Tax; Inspection Tax and Predatory Animal Control. In checking things a little closer, we find that Predatory Animal Control was for sheep and goats; range horses and cattle, then the Bounty was for sheep and turkeys. The Inspection Tax was on sheep and goats.  I think I recall that Tuberculosis was a widespread concern back then, but haven't had enough guts to look up what "Bang's Disease" was, but hopefully we got it wiped out.

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