Thursday, April 16, 2015

Martha Jackson Jones survived the Martin Handcart Trek to Nephi, but who got her property after she died.

Martha Jackson was born in Manchester, England in 1835. Along with the many other Brit's that joined the LDS church, she came to Nephi with other trekkers of the Mormon Martin Handcart Company of 1856. In 1861, she married Edward Jones II, and that sealing was done by Brigham Young in the Endowment Home, as Edward had a first wife who was Hannah Pendlebury. Like good polygamist they all got along together and buried by each other at Vine Bluff. Martha was a beautiful woman as well as good soul, but in 1897, she did the thing that even us will do some day- she passed away. Martha and her family had built up a good farm in Juab County, and as such, had significant land, so what happens when she dies as her husband had already passed away years before. This aged document of 1909 shows the property going to their son, who was also named Edward.

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