Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I hear the rumor if you are from Juab County and join the miltiary, it pays well and lots of travel and fun involved.

So what is the real story about military pay. Nowadays, the recruiter is going to make it sound good, and to a point, a soldier or airman can have the benefits described. During our prior wars, however, many didn't have a choice, but they served admirably, and on their return, they weren't always treated as hero's but many of us still knew they were patriots even though they went about a normal life.

If they are scanned properly, each photo is of Nephi boys over the past hundred years. The medal is a World War I Campaign medal belonged to my maternal Uncle-Victor Harris. The postcard is from paternal Uncle-Warren Dell Jones, adderessed to his mother-Mrs. Wm. Jones of Nephi. It was written in 1918, and the pencil marks are a little tattered, but it appears he is writing from France, and noted "havn't received any mail for weeks...I've had a payday yesterday....$25.00 for two months. Based on that, Uncle Dell did not become a rich man while serving. Two photos were sent to Sarah Tolley of Nephi, and on the backside of the one it is written "This is me and a friend of mine...doing some you like him". The more modern soldier is doing what America has done for a long time-fight on the front of a far off country. That one is Hal "Doc" Jones serving in Viet Nam, where he took the place of another guy from Nephi-Blair Wilkey, who was killed in battle. Although it is not Veterans day, I come across these, and decided to do my own Veterans Appreication Day, to all of those who have served from Juab County, and to those who will yet serve...Thanks.

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