Thursday, April 9, 2015

Nephi's Joe Garrett was a no-show for his first date with Ellen Garrett of Moroni. Ellen told me so during my chat with her yesterday.

Ellen Garrett is making preparations for her 100th birthday in 13 months, so I thought we better get prepared for that centurion type celebration. That is scheduled for May 25, 2016.  Ellen was born in Moroni, with a family that taught and knew music. She graduated from Moroni High as the Valedictorian and as such, she received a scholarship to Snow College, but didn't take them up on it. Nephi's Joe Garrett was able to smooth talk her out of it. They first met at the dance hall in Moroni that her father established. She accepted his first date proposal for the following weekend, but he didn't show up, but there was a good reason. He had to work at "The Serv", for parents Rob and Erma Garrett. They married in 1933 and lived on the farm at the Garrett home west of Nephi. They decided to move in to town when kids came along, and Joe once again convinced her that living in a chicken coop wasn't too bad, as long as they loved each other. Ellen's home on 7th North and 100 East used to be a Cherry Orchard, then A.E. Smith built a chicken coop there. Ellen was top class, and was bound and determined to get the structured modified in to the great home it is now. If you ever went to church or a funeral in Nephi from 1930 on, the piano was normally played by Rheta Sperry and the organ by Ellen. She did that until in her nineties. In the 1950's, most women stayed home to raise kids, but Ellen raised Bob and Marian, but also worked at J.C. Penny, then Thermoid and then the main stay at the A.S.C.S office  with Gene Worthington. She was also the Scribe for Juab Stake Patriarch James H. Ockey, although she didn't get her own Patriarchal blessing until she was eighty. If you knew Joe Garrett, you often visited him, and Ellen always had good food for the farmhands, neighbors and relatives. They were the perfect blend. One of the photos attached should be of the Bob Garrett family, then there are photos of Marian and Helen; photo of Ellen and myself at the interview; of her parents and brother in Nevada and of her on the back of her class car shaking hands with Weston Jones, who worked for Joe; her eighth grade class picture; photos of her childhood home in Moroni, and the Garrett home on the farm in Nephi. Marian has always been beautiful, and photographer Fred Chapman thought she had the most perfect facial features and used her photo for advertisement purposes. When Ellen was asked if she had the chance to do it all over again, what would she change. Without any hesitation, she wouldn't have change a thing, then added that "Fate always has a way of coming back around". When asked about her time as the Scribe for James H. Ockey, she felt that "Guardian Angels" are always among each of us, and she concluded with "they will help you if you give them the chance".  What an interview and what a class lady. Nephi and Moroni should be very pleased of their product, as her parents Ray and Susie Anderson are.

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