Wednesday, April 22, 2015

What wisdom would a 93 year old Nephi man share with the young folks of Juab County. This is the notes from interview today with Ronald Jones.

Ron Jones was born in Nortonville, Juab County in 1921. Interesting enough, that was the same birth year of another cowboy named John Wayne. Ron Jones was the real cowboy of Juab County, enjoying riding his horse up the Nortonville lane to his Uncle Will Jones' place, who provided local grown sugar cane to both Ron and his brother Harold. It took some time, but Ron finally admitted he was the younger brother of his twin, but not by much. Ron is the son of Edward Leonard Jones, or who they called "Len" as there was so many other Edward Jones in the family tree. Ron and his family moved in to Nephi when he was six years old. When in Nortonville, their home was a no longer standing home north of where Russell Jackson and his family lived. He married Barbara Winter of Levan and they had three kids, including Mona Lee, who has passed away, and the two singing sons of Mark Jones of Nephi and Merrill Jones of Pocatello, Idaho. In visiting with Ron at his home today, it was quite clear this was a man of high work ethics. He worked for Juab County for 38 years, and could handle any piece of road machinery they put him to work on. Although that was rigorous enough, he was a little bored on the weekend, so for those two days, he worked for Evan Blackett at the Premium Oil. He did that every weekend for 36 years. I am not good at math, but that sounds like he did 36 straight years working every single day, but still kept a great marriage together and produced great kids. Although he is 93, he takes care of himself; recalls people; places and offers enormous wisdom. He said he was happy and grateful for his life; his family and wouldn't change a thing in his life. He expounded on the importance of working, just plain working. It keeps the mind and the body in tune. To young people of the world, he thought it was important to know how they are going to pay for a home, a trailer or other toy before they found themselves in debt. The people of the Ute Stampede thought he and his brother Harold were such great horsemen, they made them dual Grand Marshalls, as they wouldn't do it without the other. This Jones boy is one all of Nephi and Juab County can be proud of. He is a home grown good guy.


  1. Ron is truly a great man. I love that he has such a great smile and is kind and friendly to everyone. He is one of the good guys who makes Nephi such a great place to live. His sister, Nadine, is another who always smiles and is friendly to everyone and makes Nephi a great place to live.
